Clean Beauty
Why does it matter? What we put on our skin (and our kids’ skin) can cause harm, not always immediately, but often it can accumulate, gradually increasing the body’s toxic burden. Certain ingredients are known to be endocrine disrupters, some increase risk for infertility and reproductive harm. Other ingredients cause neurotoxicity and increase risk for cancers!
With 3 daughters, I want to support their health and longevity not add to their toxic burden!! I want them to be able to have children if they so desire and not pull the trigger on autoimmune diseases!
That’s why I decided to start using and selling (hello discount :) Beautycounter!
Would you like to learn more about Beautycounter or start shopping? Click HERE to start shopping with me @Beautycounter.
Want to learn more about the NEVER LIST?
In addition to beauty products, there are other ways to decrease our toxic burden through cleaning products, kitchen ware, laundry detergent etc. Want to learn more? Coming Soon
Ingredients to avoid
Interested in switching to clean beauty but don’t know where to start? Consider taking this skin care quiz to know which products would be a match for you! (Note: I don’t get your results, so be sure to share with me!)
Take the skin care quiz HERE
Have questions? Let’s keep in touch!
What’s New?
Holiday Sets are now available!!
Mighty Plump works like filler without the filler!